Marketing & strategy that speaks to your customer.


Stated. Helps you with your marketing and strategy to reach your customers more intelligently and win their wallet share for longer.

Simply Stated.

No need to be grandiose or on fleek. Just to the point- professionally and poignantly. 

The 20th edition of the Oxford Dictionary contains 171,476 words. Marketing experts preach between 4 primary and up to 156 dubious marketing strategies on any internet site. Undoubtedly, there are as many ways to segment an audience as there are yogurt choices in the dairy aisle. So what then is the best marketing approach?

A simple and focused approach that puts the customer front and center. Stated's marketing consulting services will help you distill your objective and bundle that with the right set of tactics to cleanly, efficiently, and creatively appeal to your exact audience. We won't boil an ocean. Instead, we'll incite action in your audience and K.I.S.S.

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